Sunday, August 30, 2009

Apple denies 'exploding' iPhones

A number of iPhones that reportedly "exploded" in France were not due to the battery overheating as had been suggested, Apple has said.

The firm said that all of the handsets they had seen with broken screens were caused by an "external force".

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sony launches Amazon challenger

Sony has launched a wireless e-reader which allows users to download electronic books on the go.
Analysts said Sony's Reader Daily Edition is a direct challenge to Amazon's best-selling Kindle device.
The $399 (£250) touch-screen device is able to store up to 1,000 novels and can download books over a high-speed mSony launches Amazon challenger obile network.

YouTube shares more video profits

A lucky video from the zoo could now net YouTube users thousands
Video-sharing website YouTube is to allow those who post popular videos to share in the profits they generate.
The site already shares ad revenue with the owners of copyright material that is frequently uploaded.
The new scheme aims to identify hugely popular videos from individuals, notifying them that they can become advertising partners.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Apple schedules OS update release

Apple has confirmed that its new operating system, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, will be released on 28 August.

Snow Leopard is Apple's biggest operating system update since the firm moved from the "Classic" OS in 2001. Apple said the new operating system (OS) is almost half the size of previous versions, freeing up to 7GB of drive space once installed.

Snow Leopard is currently the number two best seller on and will retail at £25 in the UK ($29 in US).

Nokia announces netbook offering

The world's largest manufacturer of mobile phones will join the PC market with its Booklet 3G netbook.

The Windows-based device is about 2cm thick and will offer 3G connectivity as well as wi-fi.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Afghanistan President ?

Whose gonna be next Afghan president and would he/she would be under influence of USA ?