Thursday, November 22, 2012

Biometrics cybersecurity research gets government cash

biometric tunnel

Twelve cameras capture the gait of individual subjects as they walk down the biometric tunnel at the University of Southampton.

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A cybersecurity research centre is being launched at the University of Southampton.
It is one of eight universities to have secured a government grant to focus on the discipline.
Cybersecurity covers bank and border security as well as protecting national infrastructure like the power grid.
Southampton will use part of the cash to extend its study of biometrics - the identification of people by their biological characteristics.
Cybercrime is getting worse, experts claim.
"It's very easy to be a cybercriminal if you want to be," said Vladimiro Sassoni, director of the Cyber Security Centre of Excellence at the university.
He said software was now readily available to help to carry out computer-controlled attacks.
"Attempts to tear down national infrastructures of entire countries are actually happening."
He added that illegal efforts ranged from large-scale attacks on transport and financial systems to attempts to steal private information from individuals.

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