Friday, November 23, 2012

European Parliament warns against UN internet control

he UN should not be allowed to take over control of the internet, Euro MPs have warned.
Reports in the Russian press have suggested the Kremlin and others wanted control of key internet systems passed to a UN agency.
Internet control currently lies largely with US-based groups such as Icann, which regulates the web address system.
The European Parliament has said the UN's International Telecommunications Union (ITU) was "not the appropriate body" to have authority.
The ITU has said a new treaty was needed to ensure "the free flow of information around the world, promoting affordable and equitable access for all and laying the foundation for ongoing innovation and market growth".
The UN agency is hosting the conference to draw up the treaty between 3 and 14 December in Dubai.
Members of the European Parliament backed a resolution which urgedmember states to reject changes to the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITR) which would "negatively impact the internet, its architecture, operations, content and security, business relations, internet governance and the free flow of information online".

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